Monday, May 16, 2005

So more quality time this weekend with The Modelchic. Saturday night We hung out at La Passage in the back room and she entertained the troops by doing some hot dancing on their little stage for lack of a better term. Only women are allowed up there. Which is fine because it kept me from having to show my dance moves or lack thereof to the whole room.

She kept me out until 4 am. Although I had to be up early to coach my son's softball team, she guilted me into staying by calling me old man.

The Modelchic knows how to push all the right buttons.

Last night we went to see the movie Crash. I thought it had some compelling stories but it was a 90 minute movie stretched into two hours. It was interesting watching it with The Modelchic because we happen to be an interracial couple.

Ooops I referred to us as a couple without her permission. Now I'm probably in big trouble.

Anyway the movie discusses racism as it plays out in everyday life. I kept wondering if The Modelchic was asking herself if I was like the racist characters in the movie. I noticed after we left the theatre that she did refer to me as whiteboy. I'm kidding.

Anyway, if you want to see a pretentious movie because it has something of importance to say, go see the movie. If you don't like pretension skip it. It's better than Grand Canyon but not a must see flick.

One oddity. I think this is the first movie I've seen on a date in like two years. Last one I saw "Monster's Ball". Oddly enough that was about an interracial romance and now I'm in one. Come to think of it, that story said alot more about racism and how we view people that are different a lot better than Crash did. And it did it without being half as pretentious. Plus Halle Barry got nekkid.

I still say she deserved that Oscar just for seeming to be in climax with Billy Bob Thornton. Now THAT was acting my friends.

Ok back to work.
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