Friday, February 04, 2005

Stuck in a hotel room in South Beach. I'd thought I'd spend my Friday afternoon reading Tom Wolfe's latest novel and drinking boat drinks while looking at the butt floss at my hotel's pool. But it was not to be. It's 11 degrees warmer here than it is in Chicago right now.

More on S. Beach. I'd forgotten how the single man is discriminated against down here. I was at Nobu last night along with Beyonce and Greg Kinnear. Didn't get to talk to either as I was talking to 3 Asian hotstresses in from LA.

They were to meet me when they were done with dinner at the Sky Bar. Only I as a single man couldn't get into the sky bar. One of the ladies called me this afternoon and told me how fabulous it was. Blah.

So Miami Beach is a real life Seinfeld episode where if you have a hot woman you can go to all the places where the hot women are and meet more hot women. But if you don't have one you can't get one. I haven't been in this irritating a Catch 22 since I first tried to get a job and didn't have the job experience to get a job.

To make matters worse, because I wasn't at the Skyy Bar, the Asian hotstresses hooked up with a dude with a yacht. So they're not available tonight either. How the Fuck am I gonna compete with a yacht dude?

Oh well. We're gonna hook up after I get back from the Bulls Heat game tomorrow. And one of them is having a birfday. Bartender "Spankings for everyone".
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